Where We Work

Speech for the Stars is a concierge, pediatric speech-language therapy practice based in Northwest DC, serving the DMV area.

Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy is a form of intervention that helps correct the form and function of the tongue and facial muscles. It involves strengthening of the tongue and orofacial muscles by teaching individuals how to engage the muscles to the appropriate position. Improper tongue posture and orofacial weakness could impact feeding and swallowing, breath support, sleep quality and breathing patterns, allergies and frequent illness, articulation, dentition, success with orthodontics, and/or attention.

The exercises performed in myofunctional therapy focus on improving the placement of the tongue, correcting an improper swallow, and improving the range of motion and strength of orofacial muscles. Through intervention, clients are expected to improve muscle function and therefore their overall health and wellness.

Myofunctional assessments are available to identify orofacial weakness, presence of tethered oral tissue, improper swallow, improper tongue resting posture, or other speech and swallowing concerns related to myofunctional needs.

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Oral Habit Elimination

Oral habits such as finger or thumbsucking can lead to abnormal development of the jaw, teeth, and palate, improper swallowing patterns, and abnormal tongue positioning, all of which contribute to difficulties with speech and feeding. Children who present with oral habits also tend to have poorer oral hygiene than their same aged peers.

While prolonged use of a pacifier or other oral habits may not appear to impact your toddler, they can lead to more significant cosmetic, feeding/swallowing, and speech related issues. It is recommended that children eliminate the use of a pacifier by their first birthday. Thumb or finger sucking should be eliminated between the ages of two and three.

Through the Thumbs Up! program, we work with clients to eliminate the presence of oral habits. This program is intended to span approximately one month and is led by a speech-language pathologist.

By keeping your child engaged, and using positive reinforcement, your child can break their oral habit and improve their form and functions of the oral cavity.

Contact us to learn more about myofunctional therapy, assessments and the oral habit elimination program!

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